Friday, December 5, 2008

December 5 - Goin in today... one more final procedure (for a while at least)

Hi everyone,

So, I'm gonna have to make this quick, but I know I've not been on here again for awhile, so a quick update:

I'm going in today- check in at 11:20. CT scan and then I get to get rid of these tubes!!! Yay! What they are actually doing is internalizing them completely this time, last time they were just "capped", but I have still had these 2 tubes coming out of my stomach, so not only do I have to flush and re-dress them multiple times a day, but they certainly don't allow my stomach to just heal up and feel better! But the really cool thing too is that they are going to replace them with permanent flexible metal stents. (yes, that will be me over there with grandpa and his pacemaker trying to get through airport security :) ), which means at least those few little ducts will be kept open and functional. Good deal, right? ...and I like the whole permanent thing, cuz not having another procedure to "look forward to" for having them removed doesn't hurt my feelings one bit! (There are still 2 others in place in there that will have to be removed in a couple of months.)

Oh, real quick, I did have an appointment with the oncologist on Monday: basically, we all (the team of 5 doctors and Joe and I) concur that all of the steps we've made so far have been very good, and it is HUGELY beneficial that the jaundice has been tremendously minimized (that itching was becoming near unbearable) ... and the labs we did on Monday did show the bilirubin level as coming down to 20 (was 30 before the tubes were placed)... so that's great. But in a nutshell, and in the spirit of being completely honest with y'all (like I've always said, no point in sugar-coating anything), Dr. Pinder (oncologist) is still unable to treat my cancer until the bilirubin level comes down to normal or at least very, very close - which is about a 3. The odds of that happening, when it is the mass itself which is most likely the largest contributor to the high bilirubin levels in the first place, are very, very unlikely. We feel so blessed to have very wonderful, caring doctors, but this poor lady was just about in tears as she talked to Joe and I about the options. It's very clear that they really feel that it is just a matter of time for me, and they will do all they can to simply extend that time.

Now, that having all been said, you all know me to not be one to sit back and accept conventional medicine as the only approach, and of course you all know how strongly I believe in a God who helps those who help themselves, and who has been guiding us all along and completely has me in his hands. So, I am going to first of all, be very thankful that there is no chance of chemotherapy messing up our holiday season! I am going to focus on having a wonderful December with my amazing family and friends, and I am going to start on some of the alternative treatments that we have chosen to try. (I can go into that more later, but a safe, natural protocol involving ozonating my water to flood my body with oxygen since cancer cells die in a highly oxygenated environment, and a couple of other things... I promise I'll explain more after I get home, have to leave soon...) But my plans for December include lots healthy foods, healthy fresh air, healthy mind frame... lots of fun, thankfulness, happiness, and focusing on the blessings I have so many of.

So, I better get off of here, need to head down there. I am going to try to insist again on coming home today, so hopefully that will work again and I will be home tonight.... will come back on here again over the week-end and let you know how it went.

Oh!!! One more thing! I am free to be in the sun again!! Photofrin is all out of my body, and I can go outside and get fresh air and sunshine again, which has been nothing short of wonderful! After the appointment on Monday, we just wandered around Pike Place and the waterfront without all of my eskimo attire and there was even some sun that day, and it felt SO good :)

"talk" to you all again soon.

Lots of Love,
